We ship by FedEx, UPS or US Postal service.
Shipping companies rates are based on weight and or package size known as "dimensional weight." Large boxes are charged by dimension or weight whichever is greater. A large plant may be charged by the box size, which can be greater than the actual weight. Depending on the order, we may be able to minimize the cost by boxing various sized plants together.
Generally, plants less than 5 feet tall can be shipped at a reasonable rate. When a customer places an order, we determine the weight and the best way to package to avoid or minimize dimensional weight surcharge and get back with a shipping quote. Credit cards are not charged until orders are confirmed for shipping. Free services that we provide with your order:
- We shop for the best shipping rates.
- Free packaging and no handling charge.
- Check each plant’s roots and root prune if needed.
- Removed excess planting medium to save customer shipping charges.
- Properly package plants to avoid undue shipping stress.
- Ship each plant individually boxed upon request.
(Note: Shipping plants individually may increase shipping costs.)